Інформація для авторів


for scientific journal

'Applied Questions of Mathematical Modelling'


File parameters:

The manuscript must be prepared with help of Мicrosoft Word-2003/2016; page format – А4, page orientation – "book"; boundaries: left – 2,5 cm; right – 2,5 cm; top – 2,5 cm; bottom – 2,5 cm; line spacing – 1,0;  interval between paragraphs "before", "after" – 0 pt.; ident "left", "right" – 0 пт.; ident of first line – 1,25 cm.


Required elements of the article:


Unit 'Authors Details', 'Article Title', 'Abstract', and 'Keyword Lis't are presented in THREE languages (Ukrainian, English, Russian) in the same format.

The first abstract is given in the language of the article.

The text of the annotations in all three languages should be identical.

Annotation size is at least 1800 characters without spaces.


- index UDK in the top left corner of the page (Times New Roman, 12 pt.), is specified once;

- the initials and surname of author (authors) in capital letters by article language (Times New Roman, 12 пт., alignment – right-aligned) (The authors' full name is translated from Ukrainian into English);

- full name of the organization, in which author works (Times New Roman, 10 pt., right-aligned);

- empty line (Times New Roman, 12 pt.);

- the title of the article in capital letters, centered (Times New Roman, 12 pt., bold);

- empty line (Times New Roman, 12 pt.);

- abstract in article language no less than 500 symbols (Times New Roman, 12 pt., italic);

- a list of key words that begins with the words: "Keywords:" (Times New Roman, 12 pt., italic);

 empty line (Times New Roman, 12 pt.);


Description of Main Material of Research

The main text (Times New Roman, 12 pt.), which, in accordance with the requirements of MES of Ukraine, must contain the following selected items:

- Problem Statement; 

- Analysis of Recent Researches and Publications; 

- Purpose of the Study;

- Description of Main Material of Research; 

- Conclusions;

- References.

 information about the authors (see A Sample of the Article).


Додаткові вимоги до елементів статті:

  • Pictures: the captions under the pictures - Times New Roman, 10 pt., bold;
  • Formulas: for typing formulas use only equation editor Microsoft Equation 3.0 or MathType; formula is on the line center; the numbering of formulas is on the right edge.

Sizes by default: Full – 12 pt; Subscript/Superscript – 7 pt; Sub-Subscript/Superscript – 5 pt; Symbol – 18 pt; Sub-symbol – 12 pt.   

  • Programs: for a set of fragments of the programs one should use the fonts Courier New (Courier);
  • References: references for article in English is made in accordance with APA Style.


We suggest you use the following resources for transliteration:



(The sample is composed of excerpts from various publications, the authors are fictitious personalities)




Kherson National Technical University


Kherson State University




The properties of the schedule construction procedure, which formalizes the card method for manual scheduling, are considered. In the general formulation it is a process of ordering a certain finite set of events in time under resource and other constraints …

Keywords: the schedule construction procedure, card method…



Херсонський національний технічний університет


Херсонський  державний  університет




Розглянуті властивості процедури побудови розкладу, яка формалізує картковий метод ручної побудови розкладу. У загальній постановці вона є процесом упорядкування деякої скінченної множини подій в часі за умов ресурсних та інших обмежень…

Ключові слова: процедура побудови розкладу, картковий метод…



Херсонский национальный технический университет


Херсонский государственный университет




Рассмотрены свойства процедуры построения расписания, которая формализует карточный метод ручного составления расписаний. В общей постановке она является процессом упорядочивания некоторого конечного множества событий во времени в условиях ресурсных и других ограничений …

Ключевые слова: процедура построения расписания, карточный метод…


Problem Statement

The task of scheduling is one of the most common tasks that every person solves almost every day. In a general setting, it is a process of ordering a finite set of events over time under resource and other constraints.


Analysis of Recent Researches and Publications

An analysis of existing methods for solving the problem of classes scheduling shows that the solution of tasks from the theory of schedules has a known complexity. In content, these tasks belong to the class of combinatorial ones, for which dimension is essential ...



Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is an automation of classes scheduling for the distance learning system, taking into account the workload of the teaching staff. The quality of training, its economic efficiency, the convenience of students teaching and the work of the faculty members depends on a well-established schedule.



During the execution of the research, our own mathematical method was developed for scheduling, namely, a number of restrictions were determined that are taken into account when scheduling, the objective function was created to assess suitability ...



  1. Ibrahim, R. (2005). Liquid Sloshing Dynamics: Theory and Applications. Cambridge University Press.
  2. Bochkarev, S. A., Lekomtsev, S. V., & Matveenko, V. P. (2015). Natural vibrations of loaded noncircular cylindrical shells containing a quiescent fluid. Thin-Walled Structures90, 12–22. DOI: 10.1142/S0219455415500765
  3. Gultom, J. H., Harsono, M., Khameswara, T. D., & Santoso, H. (2017). Smart IoT Water Sprinkle and Monitoring System for Chili Plant. Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ICECOS). (Indonesia, Palembang, August 22-23, 2017). Palembang: Book Publishing, pp. 212-216.
    DOI: 10.1109/ICECOS.2017.8167136
  4. Tymofiieva, N. K. (2007). Theoretical and Numerical Methods for Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems. (Extended abstract of Doctor’s thesis), Kyiv: V.M. Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics of the NAS of Ukraine.


Kravchenko Victor Viktorovych – Doctor of Engineering Science, professor, professor at the Department of Mathematical Modelling of Kherson National Technical University,  kravchenko@gmail.com, ORCID: 0000-0002-4107-8141.

Onopenko Serhii Vasylovych – postgraduate student at the Department of Technical Cybernetics of Kherson National Technical University,  onopenko@ukr.net, ORCID: 0000-0002-5196-5301.

Kovalenko Oleksandr Ivanovych – PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Department of the Informatics of Kherson State University, kovalenko@yandex.ua, ORCID: 0000-0002-6196-540.