About the Journal


 ISSN 2078 – 4481| PUBLISHED FROM 1997

Founder and Publisher: Kherson National Technical University


Publishing frequency:  4 issues per year  

Issue volume up to 60 dm. printing units

Program goals: publication of results of scientific achievements, promotion of national exchange of scientific technical and economic information.

Certificate of state registration: series КВ № 17371 - 6141 ПP from 17.12.2010.

 Registration at the HAC of Ukraine: Resolution # 1 - 05/3 fromMarch 30, 2011 Resolution # 1 - 05/4 of April 22, 2011

 The journal is included in the List of Scientific Professional Editions of Ukraine Category "B" in economics, special. – 051; 071; 072; 073; 075; 076; 242 (Ukraine Education and Science Ministry Order dated 17.03.2020 № 409) and technical sciences, special. – 121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 131, 132, 133, 151, 274, 275 (Ukraine Education and Science Ministry Order dated 02.07.2020 №886); 141, 161, 182 (Ukraine Education and Science Ministry Order dated 24.09.2020 №1188) and specialty "Public Administration" (Ukraine Education and Science Ministry Order dated 29.06. 2021 №735).

According to a letter from the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, the journal was entered in the State Register of Print Media and Information Agencies as a Subject of Information Activity (Certificate: КВ 17371-6141PR) with the right to increase the volume up to 60 pp. https://dzmi.minjust.gov.ua/home/index

Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives  

All published papers are assigned a unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI).

The journal is included in scientometric databases, electronic libraries and repositories: Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?hl=uk&user=1HcJzk4AAAAJ)CrossRef,  National Library of Ukraine (Vernadsky).  

Manuscripts are accepted in one of three languages: Ukrainian, English, Russian. 

 «Visnyk of Kherson National Technical University» is a periodical scientific publication intended to publish the latest high-quality scientific articles in the following scientific fields:

  1. Engineering sciences
  2. Light and food technology
  3. Information technology
  4. Management and administration
  5. Public Management and Administration
  6. Service sector
  7. Social and behavioral sciences 

Review procedure:

Stage I: preliminary verification of materials by the editor-in-chief in order to assess their compliance with the subject of the journal;

Stage II: verification of materials by a technical editor to assess their compliance with the requirements for scientific publications in the Bulletin of KhNTU;

Stage III anti-plagiarism test using the StrikePlagiarism program;

Stage IV: blind peer review in which neither the authors nor the reviewers know each other.

The publication is aimed for scholars, university students, postgraduates, scientists, teachers as well as specialists in relevant industries.