

Sustainable development goals, international projects, strategy, territorial communities, local self-government, decentralization


The article analyzes the harmonization of the Sustainable Development Goals in the strategies of territorial communities in order to form strategic directions for the development of Ukraine for 2022-2030. It is determined that in the course of decentralization and reform of relations between government agencies and local governments will change the very role of planning in the system of local government, is a natural stage in the development of regions and individual territories. It is revealed that the support for sustainable development aimed at creating rich, democratic and strong states, in which no one is left out and considers the opinion of each and every one, is the basis of the UN Development Program in Ukraine (UNDP). It was found that, compared to foreign experience, the strategy of sustainable local development is not a completely new planning mechanism, as it is based on what already exists in the country at the national, regional and local levels. All 17 goals are interconnected, so success in achieving one of them affects the success of the whole set of goals. Examples of implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in local development strategies and project activities of territorial communities of Ukraine are substantiated, in which it is said that achieving the Sustainable Development Goals for grassroots strategies is also possible and in fact is the most important. After all, the declaration of the Sustainable Development Goals at the global and national levels, which is not backed up by measures aimed at the people of the community, almost never brings us closer to the Sustainable Development Goals, because there is no result of such activities. It has been established that to ensure the coordination of mechanisms and processes, to identify and eliminate potential contradictions, it is necessary to properly manage the entire course of strategy development. Achieving these goals will not only increase the possibility of Ukraine in the global competition, but also become a source of financial resources and human capital solutions for a number of humanitarian, social and integration issues at the local, regional and national levels.

Author Biographies

Ya.F. ZHOVNIRCHIK, Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education of the National Aviation University

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О.L. DURMAN, Kherson National Technical University

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