

technical maintenance and repair, vehicle life, failures, diagnostics, operating oil, closed lubrication systems.


Automobile transport, which transports almost all types of goods and people, has led to the production growth in most industries in Ukraine, therefore, improving the vehicle operation efficiency is one of the priority problems of the country's transport industry.

The operating conditions of road transport and the types of its rolling stock are diverse. The experience of operating vehicles and a number of research projects shows that the introduction of technical maintenance and repair does not always increase the vehicles service life and reduces the downtime for repairs. By the fourth year of operation, the failure probability can reach 18-22%. Labor costs of current repairs can be 65-70% or more of all labor costs for maintaining vehicles in working order. A significant failure’s elimination duration leads to a decrease in an important trucking company operational indicator - a technical readiness factor.

The vehicle’s technical operation efficiency is largely determined by the improvement of their diagnostics organization and technology. In a number of large motor transport enterprises in Kiev, Odessa, Kremenchug and other regions, diagnostic services for the vehicles control and reliability operate according to the parameters of working lubrication, where information on the technical state of the "environment - unit - oil" system is provided by laboratory methods of physical and chemical analysis of oil and spectral analysis of oil emissions.

At the same time, the emissions spectral analysis in relation to actual oil emissions is an express method, because it is based on the lubricating medium interaction with an electric field, as well as the promising further electrophysical control methods development in the vehicle units with closed lubrication systems diagnosis.

The directions of vehicles operational reliability monitoring according to permissible lubrication rates at the moment, not only have not exhausted the existing diagnostic methods for the "unit-oil" system, but also expanded them, which stimulates the new methods and approaches to the problem development, and therefore remains relevant.

Author Biography

Yu.Ye. MIESHKOV, Kherson National Technical University

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