

marketing management, personalization of marketing services, marketing tools, marketing 3.0, small and medium business enterprises


This paper substantiates the need to use the tools of modern marketing and personalization of goods and services in small and medium enterprises. It is determined that small and medium enterprises are a recognized global driving force that generates national and global wealth. Therefore, supporting the formation and development of small and medium-sized businesses is a priority for both the state and local economy.

It is emphasized that ensuring regional economic development as a strategic goal of Kherson region development and implementation of its tasks on small and medium business development are possible under the condition of complex solution of macroeconomic and local problems taking into account region specifics, geographical location, economic structure, population density.

The evolution of the opinions of economists on determining the role of entrepreneurship is presented. Emphasis is placed on the fact that currently Ukrainian researchers are at the stage of mastering and testing a new marketing concept for small and medium enterprises, so it is necessary to build a modern algorithm of strategic planning and marketing management in enterprises of this sector in the regional context.

The most important issues of application of the approaches described in this article are presented, which can be applied to any brand even with a small budget, but with accurate targeting and balanced forecasting, as a result of which small and medium enterprises will be able to achieve great commercial success. Business. Thus, the active implementation of the described marketing tools will help bring your own business to a new effective level.

Author Biographies

О.I. ZAITSEVA, Kherson National Technical University

к.е.н., доц., проф. кафедри менеджменту маркетингу і туризму

H.H. SAVINA , Kherson National Technical University

д.е.н., проф., проректор з наукової роботи та міжнародної діяльності

О.E. VOSKRESENSKA, Kherson National Technical University

к.е.н., доц., доц. кафедри менеджменту, маркетингу і туризму

М.V. MANZYK , Kherson National Technical University

студент 4 курсу ОПП «Маркетинг», кафедри менеджменту, маркетингу і туризму

V.V. KRAEVA , Kherson National Technical University

студентка 3 курсу ОПП «Готельно-ресторанний сервіс», кафедри менеджменту, маркетингу і туризму


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