

transport services, cargo transportation, quality indicators, economic efficiency, road transport, actual and standard terms, cargo delivery, coefficient of unevenness, level of complexity, cargo owners.


Article "Research of quality indicators of transport service of freight transportation" of authors Voytovich O.A., Tkach V.O., Susorova O.A. devoted to the problem of quality road transport service. A service such as freight is an integral part of the economy of any state. Rapid growth and no less fierce competition in the field of freight transport are the main trends of the Ukrainian market. The competitive situation traditionally persists in the field of road freight transport, and the level of service quality is not uniform.

The paper notes that the improvement of the transport sector can provide a significant economic effect. The market of freight transport services has become more active and widespread, the need for timely delivery of the required goods to the required place with minimal costs has increased.

The technique of definition of a complex of the basic indicators of quality of transport service which should be considerably expanded in standards and reports on motor transport by measuring instruments of quality of transportations is shown.

According to research, it is established that a comprehensive indicator of the quality of transport services can be calculated for individual modes of transport and modes of transport, types of cargo and regions of the country, and the transport complex as a whole, cost assessment of transport services economic efficiency, can be achieved by comparing the increase in profits of the transport company to the additional costs of these measures. unevenness, level of complexity, cargo owners.

Author Biographies

O.A. VOYTOVICH, Kherson National Technical University

к.т.н., доцент кафедри транспортних систем і технічного сервісу Херсонського національного технічного університету

V.О. TKACH, Kherson National Technical University

ст. викладач кафедри транспортних систем і технічного сервісу Херсонського національного технічного університету

O.A. SUSOROVA, Kherson National Technical University

ст. викладач кафедри транспортних систем і технічного сервісу Херсонського національного технічного університету


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