

territorial community, local government, decision making, resources, local development


The article provides a theoretical analysis of the applied aspects of attracting and empowering local communities in addressing issues of local development. It is proved that the practical implementation of constructive social self-organization depends on the effective activity and interaction of all elements of civil society at the level of the territorial community. The factors that contribute to increasing the involvement and empowerment of local communities in addressing local development issues are characterized, namely: legal requirements (advice), efficiency and effectiveness, increased transparency and accountability. It has been proved that in the world today there are real problems and challenges that local authorities and the public face in the process of their involvement in the formation and implementation of solutions for local development. It has been substantiated that the absence or imperfection of specific mechanisms of public participation in solving local issues significantly hinders the formation of an effective democratic system of governance and socio-economic development of society, which can be considered as a process of building relationships, and increase the adaptive capabilities of the local population in the common territory. This ability is reflected in the ability of people to manage, use and expand their available resources to solve their local problems. In order to influence the solution of issues of local development, it is necessary to strive for the development of society as a single mechanism, and not just its individual elements. In such a case, the process of social action can be seen as containing much more than simple individual actions and efforts. Such actions go through a series of steps aimed at solving specific problems and bringing residents closer together. Based on this, within the framework of this process, five stages of achieving the set goal can be distinguished, including local initiative, organizing sponsorship, goal setting, selection and implementation of changes at the local level. At the same time, the input data and the activation of local residents allow development based on the unique conditions and nature of society and allow local decision-making to remain at the local level, thereby simulating an environment where active local residents directly shape society and its well-being.

Author Biographies

V.D. FILIPPOVA, Kherson National Technical University

д.держ.упр., доцент, професор кафедри державного управління і місцевого самоврядування

G.M. BUKANOV, National University "Zaporizka Politechnika"

д.держ.упр., доцент, доцент кафедри конституційного, адміністративного та трудового права


Декларація про право на розвиток. URL :

Європейська декларація прав міст. URL :

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