

public administration, coordination, maritime complex, seaport, maritime policy


The article analyzes the theoretical foundations of improving state regulation and coordination of the development of the maritime complex of Ukraine in the context of the modern institutional environment and the implementation of the maritime potential of Ukraine. The essence of the definition of the "maritime complex" is revealed, which is an intersectoral complex, multidisciplinary, holistic aquaterial, functional-production and economic-ecological formation, which includes components of the scientific sphere, recreational mining of marine resources, mechanical engineering, sea transport, fisheries and the extraction of marine resources. The negative trends in the development of the marine economic complex at the present stage are determined. It is noted that there is a low level of innovation, limited implementation of research and development work in the development of the maritime industry, increasing problems in the social sphere of the activities of the maritime industry (provision of jobs, a sufficient level of remuneration, an effective system of incentives for workers in the maritime industry. It has been determined that the guarantee of the successful functioning of the marine economic complex in the long term is its ability to adapt in accordance with changing market conditions. This can be achieved by introducing advanced innovative technologies, modernizing fixed assets, technical re-equipment and forming a new integrated management model. State regulation of the development of the maritime complex of Ukraine and it is proved that in order to increase the competitiveness of the maritime complex and joint ventures especially to meet the needs of the national economy and the population, it is necessary to carry out a technical and technological renovation of shipbuilding production and a corresponding modernization of the existing infrastructure of sea and river ports, the introduction of multimodal transport technologies and infrastructure complexes into practice.


Author Biographies

I.P. LOPUSHYNSKYI, Kherson National Technical University

д.держ.упр., професор, заслужений працівник освіти України, завідувач кафедри державного управління і місцевого самоврядування

О.S. ARTEMYEV, Kherson National Technical University

аспірант кафедри державного управління і місцевого самоврядування


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