

public administration, communication, psychology, dialogue, manager, employee, citizens.


The article analyzes the complex of communicative interaction in public authorities in the psychological dimension. This involves considering the psychological characteristics of the participants of such interaction - the leader and subordinates - at different levels of communication. It was found that business communication is associated not only with the exchange of information and expression of emotions, but also with the relevant knowledge of employees needed to interact with citizens and obtain a productive result in such a dialogue - provided the employee finds sociability and communication culture, implies respect, openness, tolerance, camaraderie, truthfulness towards citizens.

It is concluded that the effectiveness of public administration directly depends on the interaction within the organization, in particular correct communication, which forms job satisfaction, team spirit, corporate loyalty, as well as a chance for everyone to realize and use their own opportunities. Among the communicative qualities of a public servant are the ability to establish the right contact, favorable atmosphere, fruitful dialogue, choose a communication style, correct words and expressions, be able to express their opinions, exercise self-control, respond adequately to criticism. The leader must create a businesslike but comfortable climate that promotes fruitful work; adequately orient and coordinate subordinates to the conscientious performance of their functions. At the same time, he must interact without undue imperative, seek compromise and give the opportunity and encourage employees to show initiative, creative attitude to the tasks. According to the dialogic form of business communication, the attitude to the interlocutor is important, because any negative moments will affect the effectiveness of the conversation. Among such traits are traditionally evaluative - external (evaluation by other people), internal (influence of stereotypes), situational (mental state at the time of communication), subjective (personal evaluation of the person).

Author Biography

N.M. KOVALSKA , Kherson National Technical University

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