

communicative tolerance, public administration, personality, competence, business communication


The article analyzes the term «communicative tolerance» through the prism of the significance of this phenomenon not only in the individual dimension as an indicator of the external culture of the individual, but also in the social – as an assessment of public managers in terms of citizens. The opinions of scholars on this issue and the positions of international law that interpret communicative tolerance as a humanistic value that characterizes European society and is needed by Ukrainians to integrate into it, which is the goal of modern Ukraine. It is emphasized that the communicative tolerance of a public servant is defined in two dimensions - as a component of his professional competence and as an indicator of citizens' trust in general in public authorities and local self-government. This corresponds to the binary specifics of considering the phenomenon of general tolerance – at the individual and international levels, where the first implies a more humanistic orientation, and the second – the current desire for peaceful development of relations in the world.

Dichotomous pairs are defined as conclusions: tolerance as social indifference, uncertainty - tolerance as a sign of worldview activity; tolerance as patience or indulgence – tolerance as an active affirmation of human rights, democracy; tolerance as a tolerance of social injustice, humble acceptance of other people's beliefs - tolerance as the preservation of one's own individuality and recognition of other people's beliefs.

In defining the features of a public manager, elements of communicative tolerance are noted: professional (communication with citizens); moral and ethical (evaluated by citizens); actually communicative (creating a trusting atmosphere of communication); administrative (form the assessment of citizens of public service in general and public authorities in particular). Among such features, the leading ones are coordination and constructive ones, which consist in anticipating and leveling potential conflicts that may occur in society and the community.

Author Biography

N.M. KOVALSKA, Kherson National Technical University

к. пед. н., доцент, доцент кафедри державного управління і місцевого самоврядування


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