

simulation, transverse-forward extrusion, power upper bound method, kinematical module, modular approach, tool load


The article presents the results of simulations the power mode of the process of transverse-forward solid blanks extrusion of hollow products with blind hole based on the power upper bound method. It is shown that using of combined processes for cold extrusion of such products makes it possible not only to reduce the number of necessary operations, but also to decrease load on the deforming tool. The specially developed curvilinear kinematical modules, applying of which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of using the upper bound method for the studying of combined extrusion processes, have been tested and described. The possibility of correct application of kinematical modules for analysis of complex schemes of processes with several zones has been demonstrated. The simulations were carried out both for the computational scheme of the transverse-forward extrusion of a workpiece with variable flange height (general case) and for the scheme for workpiece with flange of constant height. It has been found that the developed curvilinear triangular modules, due to the reduction of the speed increases at its boundaries, make it possible to reduce the upper estimation of the tool loads in comparison with simulation variants that were previously based on rectangular modules. The use of the developed curvilinear modules better corresponds to the real kinematics of the metal flow and provides more accurate calculation of the power mode of combined extrusion processes. Calculations have shown that the corrected values of the reduced pressure for the processes of transverse-forward extrusion are 18...30% lower than those obtained when using modules with rectilinear contours. The influences of the main technological parameters on the power mode of the process of sequential transverse-forward extrusion were also investigated. It was found that with increasing the relative thickness of the part bottom from 0.2 to 0.8 for the coefficient of friction μs = 0.08 the pressure decreases to 20...30%, and for μs = 0.2 – up to 40%, increasing the relative radius of the cavity from 1.2 to 2.5 leads to increasing power parameters by 33%, changing the relative wall thickness of the part from 0.5 to 0.2 increases the reduced pressure by 19%.

Author Biographies

L.I. АLIIEVA, Donbass State Machine-Building Academy, Kramatorsk

д.т.н., проф. кафедри обробки матеріалів тиском

V.M. LEVCHENKO, O.Ya. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kharkiv

к.т.н., ст. наук. співробітник, відділ розповсюдження радіохвиль у природніх середовищах


D.O. KARTAMYSHEV, Donbass State Machine-Building Academy, Kramatorsk

к.т.н., кафедра автоматизації виробничих процесів 

K.V. MALII, Donbass State Machine-Building Academy, Kramatorsk

к.т.н., кафедра обробки металів тиском


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