

comfort, individual order shoes, model-transformer, computer system, pressure


The analysis of anthropometric studies of the feet and the subjective feeling of comfort of shoes shows the appropriateness of improving the algorithm for modeling shoes to order by using a "model-transformer shoes". These studies provide an opportunity to explore the subjective feelings of foot comfort in shoes, and predict the provision of high quality indoor shoes to order with a prototype - a shoe transformer based on the computer Arduino Unо. The level of subjective comfortable pressure of the upper of the shoe on the human foot in statics and different phases of walking is investigated in the work. A study of a two-factor experiment of the dependence of pressure parameters at anthropometric points of rise and height of the heel of the foot is presented. The regression equation of the dependence of the shoe comfort level is obtained. The deformation properties of the shoe binding part were investigated experimentally, and the linear parameters of the shoe adjustment of different pad sizes for shoe production to individual order were obtained. Taking into account the received recommendations, men's half-boots of the "monki" type were made according to individual parameters of the consumer.

Theoretical-analytical, marketing and experimental researches, multifactorial experiment, relaxation method are used in the work.

Using a computer system, resistive force sensors FSR402 and a microcontractor Arduino Uno, a device has been developed to measure the subjective comfortable pressure between a person's foot and the top of a shoe. The model of the shoe transformer is made, which in combination with the computer installation allows to estimate the level of subjective comfort in different phases of walking and to improve the production of shoes to individual order.

The method of determining the pressure of the inner surface of the shoe on the foot of the consumer, taking into account the basic anthropometric features and parameters, using a prototype computer system and "model-transformer" improves the method of making shoes to order and minimizes the time of intermediate fitting model of shoes.

Author Biography

М.M. LESHCHYSHYN, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

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