

sour cream, milk, cream, fat content, acidity, technological expertise


The production of canned food is closely related to the development of the agro-industrial complex and requires constant and unflagging attention, as a production characterized by a variety of raw materials, many technological processes and their parameters. In Ukraine, the share of the fruit and vegetable canning industry in terms of the volume of products sold, the number of employees and the cost of fixed assets constitutes a significant part in the country's industrial complex. The products of this sub-industry provide the population with highly vitaminized and health-improving food, since it is obtained from natural raw materials. Considering that the consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables and berries in food is limited by seasonality and territorial differences in natural conditions, canning allows you to ensure their consumption at any time of the year.

All over the world, corn is considered one of the main forage and food crops. Sweet corn is in great demand, which, when canned, is a delicious and nutritious delicacy. To ensure high taste characteristics and microbiological indicators of canned sugar corn, strict quality control of raw materials and finished products is required, as well as strict adherence to the technology of its production.

The purpose of the work was to carry out the final stage of the technological examination of food products – an examination of the qualitative and quantitative composition of canned corn produced by the brands "Schedry Pan", "RIO", "Gurman" and "Chumak". According to DSTU 7164: 2010 “Canned sugar corn. Specifications” organoleptic assessment of the studied canned food samples was carried out and their physicochemical characteristics were checked, namely, the mass fraction of grains from the net weight of canned food indicated on the label, and the mass fraction of chlorides.

As a result of the research carried out, a sample of canned corn was established, which has the highest rating in terms of organoleptic characteristics – smell, colour, taste, appearance, grain integrity, and colour of the pouring. The obtained results of the study of the mass fraction of grains from the net mass of canned food indicated on the label and the mass fraction of chlorides made it possible to establish canned food samples that meet the requirements regulated by the standard documentation

Author Biographies

О. SEMESHKO, Kherson National Technical University

д.т.н., пров.н.с. науково-дослідного сектору

М. KULIGIN, Kherson National Technical University

д.т.н., доцент, професор кафедри експертизи та безпеки харчової продукції

I. GOROVYI, Kherson National Technical University

студент 2 курсу групи 2БХП(с) спеціальності 181 «Харчові технології» ОП «Технологічна експертиза та безпека харчової продукції»


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