cotton knitted fabric, reactive dyes, chromophore, active group, lightfastness, kinetics of dyes photodestructionAbstract
Today, reactive dyes are the most popular class used to obtain dyed cotton textile materials, and the only one for cotton knitwear. Colours obtained with reactive dyes are highly resistant to washing due to the formation of a covalent bond of the dye with the polymer. In connection with the emergence of new classes of bi- and polyfunctional reactive dyes, it is urgent to establish the regularities of the influence of their chemical structure on the lightfastness of the obtained colours.
The aim of the work is to study the influence of chemical properties of reactive dyes, namely the chemical structure of chromophore, the number and type of active groups, on the lightfastness of colours obtained on cotton knitted fabrics.
The study was carried out using a cotton knitted fabric prepared in an appropriate way. The dyeing of the textile material was carried out using mono-, bi- and polyfunctional dyes in the appropriate modes. In terms of chemical structure, the dyes under study were azo and disazo dyes, anthraquinone, phthalocyanine, and formazan dyes. According to the chromophore chemical structure the studied dyes were monochlorotriazine, dichlorotriazine, vinyl sulfonic and bifunctional with a monochlorotriazine / vinyl sulfone active group.
For the obtained knitted fabric samples, the kinetics of colours photodestruction was investigated. Insolation of the samples was carried out on the RF 1201 BS (REFOND) device with a mercury-tungsten lamp with periodic determination of samples colour differences using a PCE-TCR 200 colorimeter.
The article presents the results of a study of the dependence of dyed cotton knitted fabric samples lightfastness on the chemical properties of reactive dyes. The chemical class of dyes has been established, which have low resistance to light in comparison with other investigated chromophore systems. In addition, the dependence of the cotton knitted fabric colours lightfastness on the chemical structure and the number of active groups was found.
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