information space, information set, control object, parameter estimation algorithm, identificationAbstract
The article focuses on the issues of determining the information space of an object in identification problems, and the information set is considered as a set of data obtained by observing the variables of an object in the normal operation of the system and a priori data on the structure of the object.
In order to manage, you should use the necessary information to assess the current situation and develop recommendations that ensure the most effective implementation of the objectives of the management of the situation. The choice of a model when solving control problems and studying continuous processes is due to both the conditions of implementation and the requirements of adequacy. In conditions of uncertainty, algorithms and methods of information analysis of data of different structures come to the fore.
To solve the problem of control in conditions of uncertainty, methods of the theory of adaptive systems are used, which make it possible to ensure high accuracy of control when changing the dynamic properties of an object; to optimize the operating modes of the object in conditions of changing characteristics; improve the reliability of the system; unify individual control subsystems and their blocks; reduce the time required to develop and prove the system. Adaptive methods are used to solve problems in which there is no information about the nature and conditions of the object's functioning, as well as in the case of impossibility or insufficient complete formalization of a priori data.
The process of synthesis of an adaptive system can be divided into stages. First, the purpose of management is formed and requirements are set for the structure of the mathematical model of the object. For this, a priori and / or experimental information is used. In a more general case, the synthesis of the system is associated with the solution of the problem of structural identification. At the second stage, the structure of the control device is determined. Next, an algorithm for adapting the controller parameters is selected. At the final stage, the adopted algorithm is substantiated.
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