агропромислове виробництво, екологізація, рисівництво, розвитокAbstract
The article considers the theoretical and practical principles of ecological direction of development of the rice industry in Ukraine. In the course of the research, it was proved that one of the main tasks of greening the rice industry is to increase its environmental efficiency, which is based on the preservation and reproduction of natural resources and the cultivation of environmentally friendly products. Environmental efficiency is characterized by the possibility of reducing the cost of eliminating the effects of anthropogenic impact and interference in the environment, creating conditions for expanded reproduction of natural resources. Based on the concept of sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas, increasing the environmental and economic efficiency of rice production, in our opinion, should be achieved by increasing technical (technological) efficiency; technical and technological modernization of the industry; rational use of natural resource potential of rice sowing areas and greening of rice production. In the context of this study, there is reason to believe that the solution to the problems of the rice industry should be based on the ecological and economic principle governing the regulation of organizational and economic, technical and technological and environmental relations. The expediency of practical implementation of this principle in rice farming is based on the need to green production, which involves the rational use of natural resource potential taking into account specific zonal conditions, coherence of environmental, economic and social interests that ensure high economic and social efficiency, environmental balance and environmental stability. It is proved that ecological and economic regulation of production relations provides, on the one hand, natural balance, preservation and strengthening of reproductive functions (ecological component), and on the other - achieving high economic and social efficiency of production at the lowest cost of resources.
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