service technologies in tourism, planning in tourism, tourism logistics, greening in tourism, tourism infrastructure, tourism resources, consumer behavior, marketing, Event- managementAbstract
The article examines the peculiarities of infrastructure, resource and animation planning from the standpoint of technologies in the ecopolitics, logistics, and marketing for tourism services in event management. The content of specific functions for managing tourist events is disclosed. The braking factors in the location for the creation and holding of the event have been discussed. The main infrastructural and resource components within the event are outlined. The scheme of logistics of planning a tourist event is given, taking into account the factors and specific functions of Event-management. The main key points and aspects of planning a tourist event from the point of view of customer service based on a logistic approach are thoroughly considered.It is noted that at the stage of developing an event, it is necessary to develop the placement of identifiers of the event itself, individual zones on the territory of the event, special designations and, necessarily, a program of planned actions. Recommendations on the client-orientedness of Event-management in the concept of "healthy lifestyle" are given. It is recommended to study the features of the building site at the development stage of the event project in order to harmonize the location structures with the surrounding landscape, which becomes possible with the involvement of landscape design and permaculture specialists.Recommendations on marketing technologies for influencing the main triggers of tourists when planning infrastructure, resource and animation services for an event have been prepared. Attention is focused on the nature-oriented nature of tourism and recommendations for the eco-policy of the event are considered in terms of the tasks of wastelessness, energy conservation and the use of biological waste as a source of fuel and the use of any alternative energy sources.
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