the liquid bad conducting, criterion of safety, quasi-static field, tension, closed screened systemAbstract
In the article the analysis of choice of criterion of safety of technology of portage of the liquid bad conducting (LBC) in the reserved volumes. Such technology, has regulative elements and always contains the analysis of some parameter, as a criterion of the served technology. The examined technology requires exactness of diagnosticating, as related to the physical processes of generation of charge of static electricity in an equipment. The requirement of exact receipt of this size sets the problem of choice of optimal criterion before a developer - measureable parameter on which the real size of management technology of transporting at the change of linear sizes of object of diagnosticating and distance is generated from a sensor to the points of diagnostics. The process of diagnosing the accumulation of energy of the electrostatic field in the tank becomes decisive when using various modes of filling the flow of oil products. Since the dynamic motion of charges in a liquid is analyzed and measured, it is necessary to analyze a quasi-static field containing an uneven distribution of charges.
A design shows the necessity of clarification of criterion of analysis of development of bit properties on the surface of the liquid bad conducting in the closed, screened system. Approach simplified will realize the location of equipment and receipt of data for a management the system of filling. The modern criterion of safety, potential of surface of the liquid bad conducting, has complication in realization, due to agitation, large area of surface of diagnosticating, depth of filling and remoteness of points of diagnosticating from sensors. New approach requires development of new method or mathematical model, where for each of transported нефтепродуктов corresponding technical or model facilities, allowing to define the maximally safe parameters of tension of the field of the reserved volume, will be created. Development, design and constructing, will demand creation of diagnostics exactly of dynamic (quasi-static) form of the field, that it must be related to the physical model of absorption and selection of energy of volume of the liquid bad conducting.
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