

: diagnostics, network enterprise, information, market modification, intellectual business, information economy


The main purpose of the study is to clarify the directions of diagnostics of the network enterprise. Defining the principles of diagnosis, which are the foundations of the network enterprise and beyond. Systematic generalization of the main directions of adaptation of the intellectual business enterprise to the global space and its interaction with other subjects of information economy.

Peculiarities of market modification of network enterprises management and a number of practical recommendations for improving economic efficiency at all levels of management are studied.

The role of diagnosing as a source of improving the efficiency of enterprise management at all levels of functioning in the intellectual business is identified. Theoretical approaches to the peculiarities of market modification of enterprise management are proposed, which can be used as a basis for practical recommendations for establishing their effective functioning.

Peculiarities of market modification of network enterprises management and a number of practical recommendations for improving economic efficiency at all levels of management are studied.

The role of diagnosing as a source of improving the efficiency of enterprise management at all levels of functioning in the intellectual business is identified. Theoretical approaches to the peculiarities of market modification of enterprise management are proposed, which can be used as a basis for practical recommendations for establishing their effective functioning. Reduction of regulations that oppose this process; abolition of state benefits for certain industries. Increasing the transparency of government activities and the information component of market signals in the intellectual business, by promoting competition in certain information markets. Prevention of market abuse; improving the organization of management and control over network enterprises by state structures and public control bodies.

The theoretical approaches to research features of modification of management of the enterprises of intellectual business offered in the researched can be put in a basis of practical recommendations on adjustment of their effective functioning in information economy.

Author Biographies

R.V. MOROZOV, Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University

д.е.н., проф. кафедри  менеджменту та інформаційних технологій

O.G. MOROZOVA , Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University

к.е.н., доц. кафедри економіки і фінансів


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