Ukrainian state, regional policy, rural development, power decentralization, local self-government, civil societyAbstract
The principles of the state regional policy and practical aspects of public management of innovative development of rural areas at the modern stage of formation of the Ukrainian state are considered in the research. The basic principles of the place and role of rural territorial communities in the development of territories are singled out. Theoretical and methodological bases of public management of rural development on innovative principles in modern conditions of economic-administrative management are determined. It is established that in order to achieve the goal of innovation policy of public administration of rural territories the priority task is the formation of priorities of strategic activity. It is noted that an effective strategy of public regional policy will be possible to develop only after the next census (February 2023), systematization of demographic and economic trends. The idea of agreements between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and regional councils should be abandoned. Instead, local self-government bodies should be able to initiate development projects for their territories, and the government, which is responsible for shaping state regional policy, should take the final decision. In addition, the idea of introducing any tax incentives linked to certain areas should be abandoned. To date, the principal measures of the policy of public management of innovative development of rural areas are already being developed. The article summarizes that the policy of public administration of rural development is based on the concentration of efforts and means aimed at innovative development of the local government institution as the basis of rural development.
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