

strategic planning, entrepreneurial activity, management decisions, uncertainty, resources, management


The article substantiates the role of strategic planning of entrepreneurial activity, outlines the conditions that contributed to the formation of new mechanisms for solving the problems of enterprise development and ensured the transition from traditional forms of management to new ones based on the use of innovative planning technologies.

Based on the generalization of the directions of foreign and domestic theoretical studies of the concept of "strategic planning", it has been established that the main aspects of strategic planning are: long-term planning based on the development of long-term goals, strategic scenarios; strategic plan or development strategy as the main result of the planning process; the systemic nature of planning, which ensures the integrity and complexity of the elements of strategic planning. The essence of the concept of "strategic planning of entrepreneurial activity" has been clarified, which, while adapting to the modern economy of knowledge and informatization, changes within the framework of entrepreneurial activity due to changes in entrepreneurial activity itself.

The study of the definition of "strategic planning of entrepreneurial activity" made it possible to define it as a continuous process of analysis, forecasting, and development of a strategy for achieving the desired state of the entrepreneurial structure, including the optimal predictive allocation of resources to maximize the achievement of goals in a changeable and high-risk environment, and substantiate the use of predictive and scenario approaches, which formed the basis for clarifying the specifics, factors and structure of elements of strategic planning.

On the basis of the process approach, the structural elements of strategic planning are determined in the form of: the resources necessary for the organization of strategic planning, both attracted from outside and withdrawn from economic circulation; the results of the practical implementation of strategic planning; connections that arise in the process of making management decisions regarding the implementation of strategic planning. It has been established that strategic planning of entrepreneurial activity as a process is a complex of interrelated components of the applied predictive technology and factors of the external and internal environment of functioning.

Author Biographies

N. V. SHANDOVA, Kherson National Technical University

д.е.н., професор кафедри економіки, підприємництва, та економічної безпеки

T. Yu. REDKINA, Kherson National Technical University

магістр кафедри економіки, підприємництва, та економічної безпеки


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