: pneumatic tire, modeling, damage, road obstacleAbstract
The article presents the results of experimental measurements of elastic deformation of car tires 175/70 R13 at different pressures on a special stand that reproduces the accumulation of mechanical damage in overcoming road obstacles of complex geometry.
The obtained data are applied in a new method of estimation of intermediate states of tire material concerning forecasting of mechanical and operational characteristics. The kinematic behavior of a car wheel on a road surface with certain mechanical damages and properties in the Vibrolayer 1 program is shown.
The pneumatic tire provides contact of the vehicle with a road surface, is intended for absorption of the insignificant fluctuations caused by imperfection of a road surface, compensation of an error of trajectories of wheels, realization and perception of forces.
In laboratory conditions, and on the test equipment it is checked: constructive durability of pneumatic tires, quality of rubber mixes and other materials of a pneumatic tire, homogeneity, rigid and geometrical characteristics of tires and many other things.
By the method of mathematical modeling adapted, for calculation of dynamic characteristics of pneumatic tires, it is possible to set any combinations of deformation of the tire, to calculate speed of changes of points of a wheel as morphing (crossing) of an elastic cover from one state to another. Allows in the process of research the conditions of tire life to obtain, depending on the speed of the wheel and the dynamic radius of the tire to the path traveled by the tire before failure, and to predict in detail the behavior of the tire.
The developed technique is an alternative to a purely theoretical determination of the reactions of the wheel and tire to various obstacles in different conditions of the car and the action of external factors. State standards and technical conditions of different countries of manufacture provide criteria for checking the performance of pneumatic tires. Some definitions for types of pneumatic tire failure are standardized.
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