

Agreements on the association


The article is devoted to the substantiation of political science features of the implementation of the Strategy of European Integration of Ukraine on the basis of different approaches and models. Based on the analysis of the reports of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the implementation of the Agreement on the Association "Ukraine-European Union" since its signing in 2014, identified problems in twenty-four areas, including political science. It has been determined that today there is practically no sphere of socio-economic development of Ukraine that would not be covered by European integration processes and the list of issues on the Ukraine-EU agenda is constantly expanding. Using the method of graphs, the priority of these problems in terms of areas of implementation of the objectives of the Association Agreement. On the basis of the constructed models and coefficients of elasticity the quantitative estimation of efficiency of realization of strategic tasks within the limits of the Agreement for Ukraine is made. The article builds a hierarchical structure of problems of successful implementation of the Association Agreement by Ukraine and simulated prospects for sustainable development as a result of solving priority problems of implementation of the Agreement. The priority of political and political aspects of the implementation of Ukraine's tasks within the framework of the Agreement for increasing the level of positive effect of cooperation with the EU and sustainable development of the country is argued. Conceptually, there are three main approaches to adaptation: minimum, moderate and maximum. The effects, depending on the chosen approach to adaptation for sustainable development of the country, may be of different nature depending on the goals of Ukraine, institutional stability and the level of socio-economic development of the country. The most effective strategy of integration into the EU depending on the level of adaptation at the present stage of socio-economic development of Ukraine is empirically substantiated. It is proved that there is a need to study and evaluate the phased implementation of the strategic objectives of the Agreement precisely in terms of the formation of policies for the management of different industries through the consideration of political science aspects. This will allow us to empirically assess the compliance of a specific strategy of adaptation of our country to EU standards within the short-term planning and long-term planning of the planned tasks and the political impact of their impact on the development of Ukraine.

Author Biographies

О. DURMAN, Kherson National Technical University

к.держ.упр., доцент  кафедри державного управління і місцевого самоврядування

М. DURMAN, Kherson National Technical University

д.держ.упр., професор, професор  кафедри державного управління і місцевого самоврядування, заслужений працівник освіти України


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