

authorized economic operator, sealing device, security system, container, customs formalities, security of international shipments


The subject of the article is the requirements for the sealing of containers with cargo, which are prepared by authorized economic operators for shipment abroad.

The purpose of the work is to analyze the requirements and bottlenecks in the technique of exercising the right of the enterprise - authorized economic operator to independently impose sealing devices on vehicles.

It is noted that the design of universal, refrigerated and tank-containers, as well as the design of rod seals do not exclude the possibility of unauthorized access to the cargo without visible signs of opening the container. It is noticed that there are more than ten ways to open the sealed containers without damaging the protective seals, no signs of tampering and unauthorized access to the cargo.

The article shows that independent application of sealing devices on vehicles requires from enterprises - users to ensure compliance with the requirements of international standards for the organization and control of this process. The importance of fulfilling all the points of ISO 17712:2013 standard for ensuring the security of international cargo shipments by authorized economic operators is noted.

In order to increase the informative and security component of sealing devices, it is recommended to use electronic navigation seals or electronic navigation locks together with power seals.

At the same time, it has been proved that competent organization and fulfillment of the requirements of standards and state regulations on the organization of independent application of seals by enterprises will ensure security of international shipments, reduce the risks of violation of customs legislation and reduce the time for customs formalities execution.

Author Biographies

О.М. VERBITSKY, Kherson National Technical University

к.т.н., доц. кафедри товарознавства, стандартизації та сертифікації

О.Р. DOMBROVSKA, Kherson National Technical University

к.т.н., доц. кафедри товарознавства, стандартизації та сертифікації

Н.А. TIKHOSOVA, Kherson National Technical University

д.т.н., проф., зав. кафедри товарознавства, стандартизації та сертифікації

L.A. CHURSINA, Kherson National Technical University

д.т.н., проф. кафедри товарознавства, стандартизації та сертифікації

A.V. NAHORNA, Kherson National Technical University

ст. гр. 4ТС кафедри товарознавства, стандартизації та сертифікації


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