competition, market advantage, consumers, strategy, managementAbstract
Article considers the problems of improving the strategic management of enterprises producing industrial goods. This should imply the need to create market advantages. The aim of the article is to determine the peculiarities of the functioning of modern enterprises in conditions of increased competition and justify the need to improve strategic management by creating market advantages of domestic producers using the latest management methods.
The method of "maneuver" developed by the author and described must be applied comprehensively, based on the use of methods of occupying a strong market position and the formation of strategies to more fully control the market, leveling the risks of incomplete implementation. The result of the introduction of this method is expected to obtain market advantages of domestic producers of means of production.
The author's development of the strategy of control of factors of efficiency of sale of the enterprises of agricultural mechanical engineering is based on interference of their profiles on levels of influence and controllability that is actual taking into account multifactorial influence. A set of means to increase the impact on the consumer of agricultural machinery to establish a long-term relationship between producer and consumer based on the addition of the purchase model of Theodore Levitt.
The method of "maneuver" developed by the author for the practice of strategic management is based on obtaining market advantages by enterprises producing means of production. It will allow you to establish the factors that led to a favorable or unfavorable situation for them and their products, to determine the means of improving the situation of the enterprise and its products. Correlation of certain cells with data allows you to select strategic priorities aimed at maintaining the correct marketing of products.
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