tapestry, geometric model, clamping warp, flooring warp, weft, filling factor, processing of warp and weft threads, surface densityAbstract
The Slutsk Belts factory has a unique Mageba loom designed to revive the traditions of hand-weaving Slutsk belts using modern equipment. The machine is equipped with a six-shuttle mechanism with a two-sided change of shuttle boxes, has a program control. Jacquard machine LX 1602 from Staubli allows you to reproduce complex multi-color ornamental compositions in fabric. The filling width of the loom is 50 cm, which is due to the width of the Slutsk belts, but it introduces significant restrictions on the design of modern textile products. The company produces copies of authentic silk belts, as well as textile souvenirs – decorative items, mainly of a tapestry structure.
This work is devoted to the study of the structural parameters of a two-weft tapestry, on the basis of which a collection of souvenirs inspired by Slutsk belts. In the weft tapestry, the pattern on the outer sides of the fabric is formed exclusively by weft threads, so the pattern contains colour effects belonging to wefts, in the developed product there are two of them. In colour, one side of the fabric is a negative image of the other side.
As a result of studying the structure of the fabric in sections, geometric models were built with the actual location of the threads in the fabric and with the maximum compaction of the fabric along the warp and weft. Based on the models, mathematical dependencies were established to calculate the complex structure parameter - the coefficients of filling the fabric with fibrous material, the processing of warp and weft threads, with the help of which it is possible to evaluate the conditions for fabric production on the loom and determine the consumption of raw materials per unit of production.
The designed fabric was produced at the Slutsk Belts factory on a six-shuttle loom SLXP 540/1 S 550 by Mageba. The deviation in the values of the processing of the main and weft threads, the surface density of the fabric from the theoretical ones differ slightly, up to 5.0%, which is acceptable in the practice of designing fabrics.
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