

sustainable development, agricultural production, socio-economic growth, natural resources


The article investigates the theoretical and methodological principles of sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine. It is proved that the stability of modern society is largely determined by the nature of agricultural production, which, being one of the main types of economic activity, provides humanity with food. The study found that currently for the conditions of Ukraine one of the most important areas of transformation of agricultural production is the concept of sustainable development of agriculture, according to which agriculture must simultaneously meet society's food needs, ensure a high standard of living and not harm the environment. A retrospective of the origin of the term "sustainable development" is studied. In the context of this study, there is reason to believe that the problem of sustainable development combines three important interrelated aspects - socio-economic, natural and technological. Based on the theoretical generalizations made in the study, it is proved that sustainable development is designed to take into account the requirements of ecological cycles and effectively restore them. Since the agro-industrial complex is one of the most important components of the general economic system, the sustainability of its development largely determines the nature of the functioning of the socio-economic system as a whole. It is proved that the sustainable functioning of the agro-industrial complex is a way of interaction between society and the environment formed during a specific historical period, which reflects the level of society development, the specifics of society's satisfaction of needs and contributes to the reproduction of available natural resources. In the most general form, the main task of sustainable development of agriculture is to ensure dynamic socio-economic growth, environmental protection and rational use of natural resource potential to meet the needs of present and future generations by building a highly efficient economic system.

Author Biographies

R.V.  MOROZOV, Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University

д.е.н., проф. кафедри менеджменту та інформаційних технологій

O.G.  MOROZOVA , Kherson State Agrarian and Economic University

к.е.н., доц. кафедри економіки та фінансів


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