

control mechanism, passenger transportation, suburban communication, state regulation, transport company


This paper considers the features of the formation and application of an effective mechanism for managing passenger traffic in suburban traffic. It is noted that foreign experience is a clear example of economic feasibility and social necessity of suburban passenger transport. It is noted that stimulating the increase of mobility of the population at the expense of passenger transportations in suburban zones promotes increase of indicators of gross domestic and regional product in modern conditions.

A SWOT analysis was conducted, according to which the main priorities for the development of suburban passenger transport in Ukraine were identified. The definition of the mechanism of passenger transportation in suburban traffic as a system of transportation of people, which should be coordinated, controlled and regulated by the state. The general scheme of the mechanism of management of passenger transportations in suburban communication is presented. It is substantiated that its implementation should be based on two main positions: the coordinating influence of state regulation and the participation of the private sector, in particular, in the role of suburban passenger companies.

The main problems that restrain the growth of the volume and quality of demand for suburban transportation have been identified. The principles on the basis of which effective administrative actions in the field of suburban passenger transportations should be based are described. It is noted that these principles should be based on the need for state regulation and the coordinating and controlling role of state and local authorities. The need to create suburban passenger companies, which can solve the problem of increasing the profitability of suburban transportation, depreciation of fixed assets and increase their purchases. Proposals for improving the quality of transport services based on the functioning of the mechanism for managing passenger traffic in suburban traffic.

Author Biography

І.А. KARA, Lviv Polytechnic National University

к.т.н., асистент кафедри транспортних технологій


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