

agricultural enterprises, investments, finances, potential, management


The article analyzes the influence of the main factors on the development of investment activities of agricultural enterprises in the region.

 The effectiveness of the implementation of the state investment policy for the development of agriculture, which depends on many factors, including the principles of its implementation, the reality of the designated goals and mechanisms for achieving them, has been studied. A systematic approach to solving this problem can have not only theoretical, but also practical significance.

It has been determined that the main task of the state investment policy for the development of agriculture is its purposeful influence on the totality of factors characteristic of the agrarian sector that directly or indirectly determine the quality of the formation of the agrarian investment market, the efficiency of agricultural production, the level of environmental friendliness of rural areas, the social standards of rural residents, the food security of the country , providing raw materials for processing enterprises, etc.

The main functions of the investment process in agriculture are revealed. Investment activity in agriculture must be considered as the unity and continuity of the actions of investing funds and generating income.

Consequently, the regulation of the investment process is the most important instrument of state support for agriculture in the region. In addition to direct participation in the investment process, the state can actively influence it by examining investment projects and programs, antimonopoly measures, monitoring compliance with norms and standards, introducing a special tax system, pricing policy and other mechanisms of influence. The state, implementing its own investment policy, has a systemic impact on the development of agriculture both at the country level and at the level of its regions and agricultural enterprises.

Author Biographies

L.P. KOROBOVYCH, Academician Stepan Demyanchuk International University of Economics and Humanities

к.п.н., доц., доц. кафедри менеджменту

V.A. KOSTIUK, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

к.е.н., доц., доц. кафедри банківської справи та страхування

YU.P. VLADYKA, National Aviation University, Kyiv

к.е.н., доц., доц. кафедри фінансів, обліку та оподаткування


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