personnel policy, education board, educational institutionAbstract
The article considers the theoretical foundations of personnel policy in the field of education at the local level. Based on the analysis of recent research, regulations, educational practice, it is determined that personnel policy is a strategic activity of the education management body aimed at ensuring planning, forecasting, formation, professional development and rational use of personnel in the education system. The author formulates the goal of personnel policy, which in the internal direction of the function is aimed at the formation and effective use of human resources, strengthening labor potential, motivation and incentives for local government officials and other management professionals, and externally - to ensure labor legislation in subordinate educational institutions , other legislative and regulatory acts in the field of education in order to develop the human resources of education. The classification of personnel policy principles is given: scientificity, consistency, system, legality, justice, equality, adaptability, functional integration, corporatism, structure, which ensure democratization of personnel management, optimization of human resources and through which the interaction of education management with heads of educational institutions. The structure of personnel policy is stated, which contains components: personnel planning and forecasting, formation of labor collective, personnel training, evaluation of labor collective activity; for each of them specific management actions are specified. Procedures for implementing personnel policy are defined, attention is focused on experience and problems of their application. It has been studied that personnel policy can be active or passive; the criteria of manifestation of one or another of its types are singled out. Factors influencing the development of personnel policy (demographic, financial and economic, structural and organizational, logistical, scientific and methodological) have been identified.
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