

restoration efficiency, working surface profile, special prefabricated shaped cutter, tool holder, cutting element, KZh20 wheel milling machine


In this paper, it is shown the possibility of increasing the efficiency of processing during the restoration repair of the profile of the working surface of wheel pairs of rail vehicles through the development and use of new designs of special shaped cutters, which is an urgent scientific and technical problem for modern mechanical engineering. The most important factor in ensuring the durability of special shaped cutters is the strength and reliability of their design. The desire to improve the surface finishing of the surface leads to a decrease in the distance between the individual cylindrical cutting elements in the tool holder. This negatively affects the strength of the tool holder, weakens the partitions between adjacent cylindrical cutting elements, and under conditions of cyclic loads, leads to weakening of the frame of cylindrical cutting elements in the mounting holes, which can lead to destruction of both individual cutting elements and the tool holder as a whole. Reducing the load of special shaped cutters acting on one separate cylindrical cutting element is possible by increasing the number of cylindrical cutting elements and tool holders located in the body with a different angle of inclination than the existing one. The research showed that there is a possibility of a reasonable choice of the angle of inclination of the tool holders in the body of a special shaped cutter for the KZh20 machine which helps to eliminate the defects in the working surface of the wheelsets of rail vehicles. Changing the angle of inclination of tool holders in the body of a special shaped cutter allows to increase the number of tool holders and cylindrical cutting elements, which ensure the reliability and strength of the frame of the special shaped cutters and increasing the efficiency of the restoration of the profile of the working surface of wheel pairs of rail vehicles.

Author Biography

V.N. RUBAN, Institute of Industrial and Business Technologies, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technology

к.т.н., доцент кафедри прикладної механіки


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