

digitalization, public administration, public authorities, digitalization methods, extensive data


The article is devoted to the disclosure of methodological aspects of the development of digitalization of state authorities. The problematics regarding the fact that society, being in a state of transformation, affects all spheres of public life, is highlighted. It is stated that the use of the latest achievements of informatics, computing and telecommunications technology are those innovative opportunities for the effective management of the state and its economy. Therefore, the development of the information society in Ukraine and the introduction of information and communication technologies in all spheres of public life is one of the priority areas of state policy.

It is described that the rapid increase in the volume of information has led to an increase in the importance of scientific methods for processing, classifying, analyzing and synthesizing information that deserve special attention in the areas of public administration.

It has been studied that one of the most effective means of improving the quality of public administration is digitalization (digitalization), which should be considered from an instrumental point of view as a mechanism used to improve public administration. As for the strategic vision and development goals of the state, the analysis of "big data" can be singled out among the most popular technologies. A list of the main sources of "big data" that could be used to make managerial decisions and factors that will provoke the need for high-quality digitalization of public administration are disclosed.

It has been established that the correct analysis and presentation of information are becoming essential factors for making effective public administration decisions, and the ability to use methods for verifying and analyzing information is an important professional and qualification characteristic of modern public administration leaders. Indeed, modern methods and approaches to the digitalization of state bodies mainly focus on the theoretical aspects of the analysis and almost do not contain a practical analysis of the methodological foundations of information and analytical support for public administration.

It is analyzed that when considering digitalization methods, it is impossible not to mention that they intersect with the methodology of many sciences, such as: sociology, political science, economics, mathematics, logic, computer science, the basics of management, and the symbiosis of these methods allows you to create various kinds of models. used to form managerial decisions, including with the help of decision support systems or expert systems.

Author Biography

M. KHMELNYTSKАYА, Kherson National Technical University

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