

Ukrainian national security, information security, state regulation, administrative-legal aspects of regulation, security sector.


The rapid development of information technology is gradually transforming the world. At the same time, the benefits of the modern digital world and the development of information technology have led to new threats to national and international security. There are cases of illegal information creation, collection, obtaining, storage, usage, dissemination, illegal financial transactions, theft and fraud on the Internet. A variant of the general "security" category is the "national security" concept. National security should be understood as the individual’s, society and the state, national values, lifestyle vital interests protection, from a wide range of external and internal threats, that are different in nature.

The administrative-legal aspect has an important place in determining the multidimensional content of the studied concept, as the national security peculiarity from administrative-legal positions is that one of the parties to administrative-legal relations is the appropriate bearer of national security powers over other subjects of these relations.

Administrative and legal regulation, as a kind of state regulation, is a mechanism of imperative and normative regulation of the organization. It also involves management’s activities of subjects and objects and the formation of a stable legal order of their functioning.

The concept of "national security" is a dynamic and not a static phenomenon.  It must keep changing and therefore should change its administrative and legal aspects.

Summarizing the above on the administrative and legal aspects of Ukrainian national security, we can state that we have outlined the main directions of development of the system; increasing the efficiency of the security sector of Ukraine can be done by establishing management activities and improving the regulatory framework, which, in turn, will regulate legal relations in the national security field. It was found that the use of progressive world and European experience should be based solely on in-depth analysis, taking into account the historical development of each country, its unique traditions and values, and further international cooperation should be carried out to ensure security and peace.

Author Biographies

Ганна Володимирівна Коваль , Lviv State University of Life Safety

завідувач кафедри соціальної роботи, управління та суспільних наук

Львівського державного університету безпеки життєдіяльності

Ye.V. KOBKO, National Academy of Internal Affairs

доцент кафедри публічного управління  та адміністрування Національної академії внутрішніх справ, к. ю. н, доцент

V.A. KOBKO, Institute of Public Administration and Research in Civil Protection

професор кафедри профілактики пожеж та БЖД інституту державного


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