The article considers the theoretical foundations of the organization of forecasting the complex development of the rice industry in Ukraine. In the process of research it is proved that the forecast as a prediction on the basis of available data of the direction, nature and features of complex development of the rice industry is a means of justifying the choice of a strategy and making specific decisions by relevant legislative and executive bodies, local governments to regulate economic, environmental and social processes at the sectoral level. In the context of this study, there is reason to believe that forecasting the development of agro-industrial production at the sectoral level - a scientifically sound prediction of the development of a particular agricultural sector, the possible state of the industry in the future, and alternative ways and timing of economic and social development. It is proved that the main tasks of forecasting the development of the rice industry are to identify and analyze possible options for the development of social and environmental and economic processes in rice, assess the development of these processes in the future, anticipate problems associated with the development of this industry. Achieving forecast-indicative indicators of rice industry development should be ensured under conditions of rational use of irrigation water, land, natural and other available resources and territorial advantages of rice sowing zone to increase sown areas and rice grain production; increasing the competitiveness of domestic rice products in domestic and foreign markets and employment of the rural population; deepening of specialization, concentration and integration of production.
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