

information, information technology, entrepreneurship, competitiveness, information economy, information society, innovative information


The article examines the role of information as an innovative factor in the economic development of entrepreneurship and society. The theoretical aspects of the influence of its factor on the socio-economic development of the country are highlighted. The relevance of research on these aspects is undeniable. Taking into account the fact that information and communication systems are a set of tools, means and methods by which they collect, process, transmit, store and provide data to users, it can be argued that information is turning into the main tool for doing business and influencing economic development society. The development of information technologies in the global world has led to the fact that information has become a key concept in the modern economy, and the information sector of the economy is the most popular. Thanks to information technology, the modernization of production and the improvement of methods for managing technological processes have become tools for doing business and influencing the economic development of society. There are many new forms of economic ties between business entities, modern sales markets are being formed, new knowledge and professions are being acquired on the basis of which the competitiveness and investment attractiveness of enterprises is growing. The use of innovative information technologies makes the company financially stable, which ensures the constancy of its economic development and growth of the level of its own economic security.

The problems of information development in the modern world are investigated and the role of information and communication technologies in the formation of the information economy and information society in the global economic environment is determined.

It has been established that the formation of the information economy and information society in Ukraine is carried out in accordance with the state information policy, indicated by the current legislative documents. In a strategic perspective, the development of the information economy and the information society will strengthen the economic position of Ukraine in the global economic environment and improve the well-being of the country's population.


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