traffic jam, traffic flow, forecast model, fastest network trafficAbstract
In this article, we propose a model for finding the time to overcome traffic jams by cars. It has been found that one of the causes of congestion is an obstacle, which can be caused by a traffic accident, vehicle breakdown, damage to the road and other causes. As a result, a traffic jam occurs immediately in front of the obstacle. Cars can cross this zone through the oncoming lane, passing oncoming traffic. The time of overcoming a traffic jam by a certain vehicle depends on many factors, in particular the distance to the epicenter of the traffic jam, the intensity of traffic flows in the forward and reverse directions. Depending on the specific values of the intensity of traffic flows, the size of the congestion zone will vary differently. The model of a transport network is constructed and the basic parameters of process of movement of vehicles are described. A discrete model for forecasting the time of overcoming the traffic jam zone for cars moving in groups with certain intervals between them has been developed. A model for determining the time of overcoming traffic jams for any car entering the network by finding the correspondence of its position to the number in the queue of a particular group. A simulation model "Congestion" has been created, which determines the time of overcoming the traffic jam zone with the help of data on the intensities of traffic flows in both directions and the distance of the vehicle location to the immediate location of the obstacle. Thanks to these models, the driver of any vehicle entering the congestion zone will be able to determine the time for which he will pass this section of the transport network, and depending on its value, choose the fastest route.
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