

traffic light signaling, control system, pedestrian flow, traffic optimization, adjustable pedestrian crossing, minimization of delays


This article proposes a  model of an intelligent pedestrian flow control system capable of operating in two special modes, the first of which is automatic, the second automated, taking into account the current intensities of pedestrian and car flows, is proposed. It is better to use the control system without human intervention for high-intensity sections of the road, for example, in large cities or during rush hour - during the peak load on the city's transport system. The second mode is for low-intensity sections of the road or for a certain period of time, for example, at night, when the intensity of traffic flows is low. Switching modes is realized by using a special function that will determine the mode of traffic lights depending on the intensity of pedestrian and traffic flows. The intensity in turn depends on the current time. The relationship between these two parameters is determined empirically. The mode of automatic or "rigid" regulation determines the duration of the phases of pedestrian and car traffic lights depending on the intensity of traffic flows, and the mode of automated control "on call" calculates the duration of the delay between two calls of the phase of pedestrian signaling. Also, both modes calculate the number of pedestrians and vehicles entering the system, taking into account the number of road users who left the system. The developed model will allow to refine the existing control system of switching of traffic light modes and allows to minimize accumulation of people and transport in regulated pedestrian crossings, without interfering with needs of the existing automobile or pedestrian streams.

Author Biographies

V.P. SLAVICH , Kherson National Technical University

к.т.н., доцент кафедри транспортних систем і технічного сервісу

V.S. LIVANDOVSKYI, Kherson Physical and Technical Lyceum of Kherson City Council



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