transport, traffic safety, risk management, reliability, transportationAbstract
Ensuring a high level of safety on rail transport is currently one of the top priorities for both the state and organizations responsible for railway transportations. An analysis on the recent level of the transportation process safety shows that the current system of railway traffic safety management in the context of the industry reforming needs to be significantly adjusted. The existing traffic safety management system requires the introduction of new technologies that meet the modern development of the transport industry in the world and ensure a high level of reliability and safety of railway transport. The article analyzes the need to create a risk management system in order to improve the functional and operational safety of the railways of Ukraine. Correlation of the scale of risks with the size of the expenditures for measures to improve traffic safety will allow, under resource constraints, to make management decisions that meet economic criteria. An effective means of ensuring high safety and reliability indicators of railway transport in Ukraine in the context of the risk management development can be the development of a comprehensive methodology (new software product) concerning risks and resources management on the railway network based on the international standard ISO 55001, the main purpose of which is to manage assets. The use of the new software product on the railway network will allow, in conditions of financial resources shortage to increase the service life of railway transport facilities to the limited state based on risk measurement and to reallocate investments in support of their reliability and safety. Based on the evaluation of the reliability and safety indicators of the functioning of infrastructure facilities and rolling stock, the proposed system will ensure the optimal allocation of resources and risk management for facilities related to the safety and reliability of transportation.
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