

performance efficiency, competitiveness, integrated approach, evaluation algorithm, computer system, automation.



IT-products and services are an integral part of modern life. Every year, new IT-companies appear on the market, striving to provide quality IT services and products, but only a minority of them can stay in a highly competitive market. Competitiveness is the criterion that most fully reflects the efficiency of any economic entity, including IT-companies. That is why assessing the competitiveness of an IT-enterprise is a necessary condition for the development of a mechanism for comprehensive assessment of competitiveness indicators. The basis of the study is to establish the nature, advantages and disadvantages of existing methods for assessing the competitiveness of enterprises operating in the IT-field. The study attempts to develop a computer system for assessing the competitiveness of such enterprises, taking into account their technological and economic specifics through the prism of tools to increase the competitiveness of IT-enterprises. A sustainable increase in the competitiveness of an IT-enterprise can be ensured only if the long-term, continuous and progressive improvement of all determinants of competitiveness, ie on the basis of an integrated approach. The aim of the study is to develop a conceptual scheme of a computer system for diagnosing the competitiveness of an IT-enterprise in order to increase the efficiency of its operation in modern conditions. following the algorithm of competitiveness assessment and choosing a method based on a comprehensive assessment, you can get really reliable information about the state of the IT-enterprise and already apply the proposed methods of improving competitiveness. A computer system based on a subject area model, a competitiveness assessment algorithm based on a comprehensive assessment, can be used to solve the problem of assessing the competitiveness of an IT-enterprise. The computer system will issue a finite set of recommendations to the decision maker (DM) on the appropriateness of the impact of competitiveness factors on performance. DM should use such a system as a means of partially automating a complex performance appraisal process.

Author Biography

О. OHNIEVA, Kherson National Technical University

к.т.н., доцент кафедри програмних засобів і технологій


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