

service, production, consumption, value, health tourism, management.


The article studies the essence of the category "service", which is considered as a system-forming factor in the development of health tourism. On the basis of generalization of foreign and domestic theoretical studies, the interrelationships and differences in the definitions of "service" are highlighted. It has been established that a service must be considered as an economic phenomenon, a social phenomenon, a social phenomenon and an object of management with an appropriate content. The components of the service, as a consumer item, are defined, which include: the results of the service, the service process and its characteristics, the physical environment and the service delivery system, the appearance and behavior of the service personnel and other consumers, the time of service provision.

In order to establish the specific properties of the service as a factor in the development and management of health tourism, a model of the components of the service has been investigated, which is proposed to be supplemented with a characteristic that is associated with the features of creating significant value for the consumer. It is proposed that the components of the service, as a control object, be supplemented with the category "time" required to gain access to the service and to provide the service as a whole, which, in turn, can be considered as an additional benefit from receiving the service.

On the basis of the refined concept of "health tourism service", its properties are highlighted, which include: social (health-improving and preventive, health-improving and therapeutic functions), public (formation of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality, improvement of the environment) and economic functions (implementation of financial tasks of private enterprises, organizations, an increase in budget revenues of different levels of management, etc.); common features and distinctive features that form the level of value of the service at a certain point in time; meaningful content, which allows you to divide services into health-improving and preventive and health-improving areas and create a level of customer satisfaction.


Author Biographies

N. V. SHANDOVA, Kherson National Technical University

д.е.н., зав. кафедри економіки, підприємництва та економічної безпеки

A. V. TARASIUK, Kherson National Technical University

к.е.н., доц. кафедри економіки, підприємництва та економічної безпеки 


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