social networks, Facebook, Instagram, business, online shop, targeted advertisingAbstract
Over tha past years social networks have become a valuable platform for entrepreneurial activity performing significant functions of delivering efficient and precise information to the target audience about potential customers, the availability of necessary communication instruments for the work with clients, companies, selling goods and services etc. The main advantages of social networks are easy access to information and high speed of spreading it. Business development in social networks can be successful being created and supported by the brand representatives, and also managing reputation on all the platforms with a social component. Global commerce is migrating to Internet at increasingly fast rates, making skyrocketing profits. This space has its own characteristics making it different from a traditional market. It is a large segment of Internet business with its models of development and activity, where one can share information, ideas and news.
The purpose of the research is to substantiate main advantages of using social networks as an instrument for promoting business, and also methods of influencing consumers’ consciousness by means of social media via the platforms Facebook and Instagram.
Facebook is meant for a wide audience, where thwere are many professionals, top-management representatives, business owners and it is oriented towards different age categories of people. Instagram is a platform for younger consumers and it is designed for a visual component. Social platforms offer new opportunities for business in more meaningful communication with consumers, potential clients, partners and workmates.
The paper examines the modern trends in using social networks as an efficient channel for business promotion. It introduces examples and comparative characteristics of the most popular platforms Facebook and Instagram. The study analyzes characteristics of social networks and their imapct on different age categories of people, the support for actual clients and and involving new ones. It gives recommendations on business promotion that can be interesting for entrepreneurs.
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