

adaptive system, fuzzy model, ship propulsion complex, differential drive, shaft generator, optimal control, regulator


The article is devoted to solving the problem of increasing the efficiency of control processes for ship combined propulsion complexes through the introduction of a differentiated drive-generator unit and adaptive control methods using fuzzy logic.

The purpose of this study is to develop a fuzzy inference model, which can be the basis for building an adaptive control system for a ship's combined propulsion complex under the influence of disturbing environmental factors.

The paper analyzes the structure of the ship propulsion system. On the basis of the analysis of the kinematic scheme, methods of stabilizing the rotational speed of the main synchronous generator shaft and the voltage frequency of the alternating three-phase current at the output of the differential synchronous drive-generator unit when changing the rotational speed of the main engine shaft are determined.

Taking into account the non-stationary nature of the loads and the limited information about the disturbing effects and the state of the object, the expediency of using a fuzzy controller for building an adaptive control system for the ship's combined propulsion complex has been substantiated. The structure of a fuzzy controller has been developed, the terms of input and output linguistic variables have been determined, the functions of accessories have been selected, a rule base has been formed, which takes into account the above restrictions on determining the control action - the task of providing the desired power on the propeller.

The introduction of the proposed adaptive control systems based on the fuzzy inference model allows to reduce the influence of disturbing factors on the operation of the propulsion system and stabilize the voltage parameters of the on-board network

Author Biographies

Yu.O. LEBEDENKO, Kherson National Technical University

к.т.н., доцент кафедри автоматизації, робототехніки та мехатроніки 

V.K. KOLEBANOV, Kherson State Maritime Academy

к.т.н., доцент кафедри експлуатації суднового електрообладнання та засобів автоматики

V.V. DANYK, Kherson State Maritime Academy

ст. викл. кафедри управління судном


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