information system, corporate enterprise, complex system, management, decision making.Abstract
This work discusses modern approaches to the development of information systems of corporate enterprises, which are designed to provide the completeness of information for enterprise managers when making decisions. The need for a prompt solution of functional tasks that occur during the activities of a corporate enterprise requires complex automation of information collection and processing. The presentation of information in a form that is convenient for decision-making by the management of an enterprise is, as a rule, provided by an automated information system. To make managerial decisions, the heads of modern enterprises need to receive prompt and easy-to-read information.Such an opportunity can be provided by the DSS, which provides the formation of transparent financial statements for assessing the state of the enterprise from the standpoint of the specialization of individual managers.
The results of research into the reasons for the lack of competitiveness and labor productivity of Ukrainian corporate enterprises indicate the imperfection of the applied approaches to management. This is due to the lack of a proper management system that unites all the information resources of the organization. The territorial distribution, the complexity of the hierarchical structure, the multiplicity of areas of activity of corporate enterprises in the face of growing business volume make it difficult to build information tools that will ensure simplicity, transparency and efficiency of business operations.
The analysis of the corporate environment and the factors on which the efficiency of the enterprise depends is carried out. The behavior of a corporate enterprise is investigated as a special case of the problem of the behavior of a complex system, and the environment of functioning in their interrelation. A generalized scheme of the corporate enterprise management system is proposed.
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