

wool grease, aggregative stability, zeta-potential, dispersion, coagulation.


Increased competition in the world market stimulates manufacturers to take measures to increase production efficiency and minimize costs. Extraction of wool grease from wash water is not only one of the stages of waste water purification, but also an example of complete processing of raw materials. Wool grease is a raw material for obtaining a valuable substance – lanolin, which is used in the cosmetic, food and pharmaceutical industries.

The use of new technologies for washing wool with the use of synthetic surfactants activates the issue of developing new and modifying existing technologies for grease extraction. A possible modification of the existing flotation and separation technology is the use of alkali metal salts, which have a combined effect. They reduce the aggregate stability of emulsion by compressing the diffuse layer of electrical double layer of grease particles.

The aim of research is to study the use of alkali metal salts in the technology of extracting wool grease from wash water after the pretreatment of wool, which contained synthetic surfactants.

By microscopic method, it is determined that investigated emulsion is polydisperse, as it has differences between the values of average number and average mass diameters – 2,24 µm and 4,96 µm, respectively. The results of determination the fractional composition are showed that wool grease particles up to 4 µm constitute 91.5% of all particles, and 1% of the largest particles, whose dimensions are 6 – 11 µm, account for 28.9% of the mass of dispersed phase.

In the course of research, the zeta-potential was determined by the microphoretic method, as an indicator of emulsion stability. As a result of the work, it was established that the use of alkali metal electrolytes reduced the aggregate stability of emulsion, which was stabilized by an anionic surfactant – sulfanol. Due to the influence of concentration and geometric (cation size) factors in the range of electrolyte concentrations of 5 – 50 g/l, it is advisable to use alkali metal chlorides, since it leads to better results of changing the zeta-potential.

The results of the study confirm the possibility of using these electrolytes to modify the existing technology of wool grease extraction.

Author Biographies

O.S. KONDIA, Kherson National Technical University

аспірант, молодший науковий співробітник НДС ХНТУ

O.Ya. SEMESHKO, Kherson National Technical University

к.т.н., старший науковий співробітник НДС ХНТУ

Yu.G. SARIBYEKOVA, Kherson National Technical University

д.т.н., проф., головний науковий співробітник НДС ХНТУ

T.S. ASAULYUK, Kherson National Technical University

к.т.н., науковий співробітник НДС ХНТУ

N.S. SKALOZUBOVA SKALOZUBOVA, Kherson National Technical University

к.т.н., молодший науковий співробітник НДС ХНТУ


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