activation, interaction, public opinion, civil society, delegation, institute, institutionalization, communication, interaction mechanisms.Abstract
The article analyzes the concept of "institutionalization" and provides an assessment of the state of development of interaction between civil society organizations and public administration. The analysis of the current state of civil society in Ukraine shows the existing problems in the field of effective cooperation with the authorities, which hinder the further growth of public activity and prevent the effective use of public organizations to protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens. Therefore, in Ukraine there is a need to develop mechanisms for effective interaction between the state and civil society, as public administration bodies, cooperating with civil society institutions, can thus increase the effectiveness of their activities and the level of citizens' trust in government.
Different approaches of scientists to determining the problems of effective cooperation of public administration bodies with civil society have been studied, as well as the basic principles and forms of such interaction have been identified. The interaction of public administration bodies with NGOs should be carried out on the basis of transparency, openness and transparency. As a result of dialogue between the subjects, there is both interaction and constructive cooperation. This process between the government and citizens makes it possible for the public to control the activities of public administration, ie in the process of interaction the government should try to reach a consensus in relations and use various mechanisms and forms to meet the needs of citizens as a sovereign.
The assessment of the existing mechanisms of interaction of public authorities with non-governmental organizations is given. Building effective partnerships between citizens and public authorities involves constant analysis of problems, assessment of problems and interests, development of interaction, cooperation and mutual responsibility; establishing two-way communication aimed at jointly finding ways to solve the most pressing problems; ensuring public confidence in the government. Forms of interaction of civil society organizations with the authorities are proposed.
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