

photovoltaic panel, photovoltaic cell, single-diode equivalent circuit, light current-voltage characteristic, simulation, MATLAB/Simulink


Modeling of the photovoltaic panels’ parameters makes it possible to predict in the shortest time the performance of a photovoltaic station in the context of specific days, months and along the year for any area and the method of solar panels arranging. One of powerful tools of computer mathematics, which recently has been widely used to simulate various technical systems, is the MATLAB environment. Due to the built-in Simulink package, MATLAB allows to realize visual-oriented block simulation of dynamic systems, in particular, various devices of functional electronics, solar cells and photovoltaic modules.

This paper proposes an approach to modeling the operation of real photovoltaic panels in the MATLAB/Simulink environment using information from the panel technical documentation as input data for the Solar Cell block.

The method for determining the input parameters of the Solar Cell block, which are not specified in the technical documentation of the solar panel, is presented. This method is based on the analysis of the light current-voltage characteristic of the panel for standard test conditions in the approximation of a single-diode equivalent circuit of a photovoltaic cell. Proposed method was tested on the example of JAP6(BK) 60-250/3BB, AS-6P30-270W and LG290N1C panels from the world's leading manufacturers.

A visual-oriented model based on Solar Cell block was created in the MATLAB/Simulink environment to build the light characteristics of photovoltaic panels. The light characteristics of the JAP6(BK) 60-250/3BB, AS-6P30-270W and LG290N1C panels were simulated using created model, and main parameters of the panels under standard test conditions were calculated. Comparison of the panels parameters determined from the simulated light characteristics with the data presented in the technical documentation showed that for all panels the deviation of the simulation results from the documentation parameters is less than permissible 3%. This indicates the acceptability of the proposed approach to modeling the operation of real photovoltaic panels in the MATLAB / Simulink environment.

Author Biographies

E.V. ANDRONOVA, Kherson National Technical University

к.т.н., доцент кафедри енергетики, електротехніки і фізики

V.V. KURAK, Kherson National Technical University

к.т.н., доцент кафедри енергетики, електротехніки і фізики

N.L. DON, Kherson National Technical University

к.ф.-м.н., доцент кафедри енергетики, електротехніки і фізики


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