

motivation, habitгі, socio-economic system, generation X, Y, Z, integrity of socio-economic system.


The article considers the motivational principles of ensuring the systemic integrity of socio-economic systems. The purpose of the article is to explore the motivational principles of ensuring the systemic integrity of socio-economic systems, to determine the criteria of motivation for socio-economic interaction of their participants. Emphasis is placed on the fact that human behavior depends on the environment. The concept of habitus as an unconscious motivating structure that depends on the social environment is considered. It is emphasized that the individual perception of the environment is largely determined by the type of generation of participants in the socio-economic system. People of a certain age tend to share a special set of beliefs, relationships, values and patterns of behavior, because they grew up in the same historical conditions. Leaders of socio-economic systems when developing and implementing a mechanism of motivation should take into account the importance of each of the studied criteria of integrity, based on the share of representatives of generations X, Y, Z in the socio-economic system. It is concluded that there are three motivational areas that require constant monitoring and adjustment, namely: motivational basis, information support, organizational support. That is, the cost of resources that can lead to increased integrity of socio-economic systems should not increase more than the result.

Author Biographies

S.Yu. SAVIN , Kherson National Technical University

д.е.н. доц., проф. кафедри менеджменту, маркетингу і туризму  

E.S. DIAGHYLEVA , Kherson State Maritime Academy

проректор з навчально-методичної роботи

K.F. SEMENCHENKO , Kherson National Technical University

аспірантка кафедри менеджменту, маркетингу і туризму  

D.S. MAKARCHUK , Kherson National Technical University

аспірантка кафедри менеджменту, маркетингу і туризму

D.I. PROKHOROVA , Kherson National Technical University

студентка кафедри менеджменту, маркетингу і туризму  

Т.V. NOVAK , Kherson National Technical University

студентка 4 курсу ОПП «Маркетинг», кафедри менеджменту, маркетингу і туризму


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