

sour cream, milk, cream, fat content, acidity, technological expertise


Despite the decrease in the volume of milk produced, the amount of domestically produced dairy products sold remains unchanged or even grows. Sour cream is a traditional fermented milk product in Ukraine and deserves special attention, since it is in high demand by consumers. Today, there are problems with the stable provision of high quality sour cream. This is primarily due to the low quality of milk as a raw material from which the product is made. In order to ensure high taste and consistency of the finished product, its microbiological indicators, strict quality control of raw materials and finished products is required, as well as strict adherence to the technology of its production. In order to identify possible violations of technological regulations, an examination of the finished product is carried out by establishing its qualitative and quantitative indicators.

The goal of the work was to conduct the final stage of the food products technological examination, namely, an examination of the qualitative and quantitative composition of sour cream with a fat content of 15% in plastic bags produced by the brands "Slaviya", "Slovianochka", "Yagotynska" and "Zlagoda". According to DSTU 4418: 2005 “Sour cream. Technical conditions" organoleptic evaluation of the studied samples of sour cream was carried out and their physicochemical characteristics were established, namely, the mass fraction of fat and titratable acidity according to known methods. In addition, the active acidity index of the product samples was investigated using a pH meter and the presence of starch in sour cream was determined using iodine.

As a result of the research carried out, a sample of sour cream was established, which in terms of organoleptic indicators (consistency and appearance, colour, taste and smell) has the highest indicators. The obtained research results of the mass fraction of fat and titratable acidity made it possible to establish sour cream samples that meet the requirements regulated by the regulatory documentation. In addition, a qualitative reaction to iodine made it possible to identify a sample of sour cream containing starch, which can be considered a falsification of the product.

Author Biographies

О.Ya. SEMESHKO, Kherson National Technical University

д.т.н., пров.н.с. науково-дослідного сектору

D.G. SARIBEKOVA , Kherson National Technical University

д.т.н., проф., завідувач кафедри експертизи та безпеки харчової продукції

K.O. YALOVENKO , Kherson National Technical University

студентка 6 курсу групи 6БХП спеціальності 181 «Харчові технології» ОП «Технологічна експертиза та безпека харчової продукції»


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