

cadets, physical education, motivation, physical exercises


Motivation is a special state of a person, aimed at achieving an optimal level of physical fitness and working capacity. The process of developing interest in physical education is not an instant, but a multi-stage process: from the first elementary hygienic knowledge and skills to deep psychophysiological knowledge of the theory and methodology of physical education and intensive sports. The motivation for physical exercises of cadets of flying specialties is considered. The features of manifestation of motivation to physical culture and sports among cadets have been investigated. The connection between the possibilities of self-realization of cadets in professional life and the desire to improve health through constant physical exercises was revealed. Insufficient research of the features of the formation of motivation and the importance of this issue for the effective differentiated organization of physical education among cadets proves the relevance of this issue. It was found that the formation of motivation for physical education classes is an important condition for the professional competence of a future specialist. The rating of the dominant motives of the goal of cadets attending physical education classes has been established. The factors in the structure of cadets' motivation in the classroom with various physical exercises have been determined. Significant differences in the motivational sphere at different stages of training are highlighted. The ways of increasing the level of motivation of cadets, aimed at the formation of their internal need to engage in physical culture and health-improving activities, have been revealed. The connection between the possibilities of self-realization in professional life and the desire to improve health through constant physical exercises has been established. Revealed the importance for cadets of awareness of the influence of the level of physical fitness on professional implementation. The leading forms of physical education classes are analyzed.

Author Biographies

V.S. HUMENNYI, Kremenchug Flying College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Kremenchug

к.фіз.вих., викл. циклової комісії соціально-гуманітарних дисциплін та фізичної підготовки

О.V. HALATA, Kremenchug Flying College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Kremenchug

викл. циклової комісії соціально-гуманітарних дисциплін та фізичної підготовки

O.V. LOZCHENKO, Kremenchug Flying College of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, Kremenchug

викладач циклової комісії соціально-гуманітарних дисциплін та фізичної підготовки


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