foresight, strategy, COVID-19, tourism, forecastingAbstract
In this paper, the concept of “foresight”, the history of the emergence of this economic phenomenon, the influence of the foresight strategy on the development of various enterprises are considered in an expanded form. It also considered the possibility of predicting future trends in tourism using this strategy, the development of the tourism sector during the COVID-19 virus pandemic, possible ways out of force majeure situations at a tourism enterprise using a foresight forecasting strategy.
Foresight is an attempt to look into the long-term future of science, technology, economics and society in order to identify areas of strategic exploration and the emergence of those “generic” technologies that will bring great economic and social benefits in the future.
Foresight is a purposeful process of forming knowledge about the future of a given unit of analysis or a system of subjects, aimed at acting in the formation of public or private policy, strategy and planning, and prediction is often a process of participation, participation and cooperation.
Until recently, the tourism sector has developed at a fairly rapid pace. Basically, the largest modernizations have reached the country outside of Ukraine, but despite this, the tourism sector in our country also has its "gold veins". For example: one of the most popular resorts in Ukraine - "Bukovel", with a ski complex and many health centers.
The COVID-19 virus pandemic managed to change global trends and the development of various industries, which subsequently led to many problems and probably the most basic common concern - uncertainty and a mountain of doubts in the future.
The method of forecasting or anticipating future trends today is more relevant than ever, especially in the tourism industry today.
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